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Changing Tables

When you’re working on furnishing your home for your new baby, you will have a wide variety of options. For example, there are a lot of different types of baby furniture that you might choose to purchase for your home. Baby cribs, playpens, bookshelves, storage areas and other types of furniture can help make caring for your baby much easier. Baby changing tables are something a lot of parents choose to buy in order to make caring for their baby easier. While it’s not always necessary for all parents to have a changing table, it can make changing your baby’s diaper much simpler and more sanitary.

Choosing a Changing Table

As with any piece of baby furniture, you’ll want to make sure that you don’t sacrifice too much quality for a good price. Choose a changing table that’s sturdy, and free of toxic paints or sealers. If you choose a plastic changing table (such as a portable changing table), be sure it’s made of non-toxic material. Don’t forget to also purchase antibacterial wipes, which should be used to keep your changing table sanitary.

Types of Baby Changing Tables

There are a few different types of baby changing tables that you might have the option of buying:

Changing Tables with Drawers
Many parents like to purchase a baby changing table that also has several drawers. These drawers can be used for storing spare diapers, wipes, baby powder, medication and other items. Some baby changing tables even have a large drawer that slides out, and is able to hold a trash can (or laundry hamper) for dirty diapers. Drawers on your baby’s changing table can help to keep it clean and organized.

Changing Tables with Shelves
As an alternate option to having a baby changing table with drawers, you can also choose a changing table that has shelves. In fact, many of the less expensive baby changing tables consist only of a stand with three large shelves, and the top shelf is used for changing your baby. The shelves are open, so it is a bit more difficult to keep changing items out of sight. However, shelves are convenient, since the items on your shelves can be reached easily.

Portable Baby Changing Tables
Some baby changing tables are able to be folded up and carried with you on the go. These changing tables are very useful for when you’re traveling, since not all restrooms offer a baby changing station.

Dresser/Changing Table Combos
Some changing tables are also meant to double as a dresser for your baby’s clothing. These changing tables often have a large number of drawers, compartments and other areas that can be used to store your baby items.

Read More About Changing Tables – Here are a few more of our articles about baby changing tables.

  1. Changing Tables for Babies
  2. Changing Tables for Nursery
  3. Diaper Changing Tables
  4. Infant Changing Tables
  5. Koala Changing Tables
  6. Oak Changing Tables
  7. Folding Changing Tables
  8. Cherry Changing Table

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