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Custom Crib Bedding

Want something special for your baby’s room? Custom crib bedding is a fun way to get exactly what you need for your baby’s room. With custom crib bedding, you won’t have to spend hours searching for the “perfect” crib bedding for your baby’s room. However, ordering custom crib bedding can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know where to start.

Finding Custom Crib Bedding Suppliers

If you have a need for custom crib bedding, one of the hardest parts can be actually finding a place that will design custom crib bedding for you. Begin searching locally, since some bedding companies will sometimes be able to meet custom orders. You can also check your local phone book for resources in your area that might help you find custom bedding set designers – such as tailoring services.

What to Do Before You Order

Before you place an order for a custom crib bedding set, there are a few things you should do. First, you’ll need to measure your crib mattress. This can be done with measuring tape, or even with a flat yardstick. Be sure to write down your measurement both in inches and in centimeters, since some custom crib bedding designers will use different measurements. If you don’t yet have a mattress for your crib, measure the inside of your crib to approximate how large your mattress will be.

Ordering Custom Crib Bedding

Once you have all of the information you need – it’s time to order your custom crib bedding! This is where the advantage of finding a custom crib bedding designer local to your home becomes clear – that way, you can give a visual representation of your exact needs. For example, some designers might have you bring in your crib mattress, which they may use to design an exact fit for your custom crib bedding. However, if you weren’t able to find a local custom crib bedding service, don’t worry. Just ask for regular updates on your order, and make sure that they’re open to performing any alterations in the event that your custom crib bedding is a poor fit.

Custom Crib Bedding on a Budget

If you have the time, you might want to try saving some money on custom crib bedding sets by making your own! Making your own custom crib bedding set can be a fun way to get actively involved in designing your baby’s room. All you’ll need is some fabric and thread, which can be found at most arts and crafts stores. A sewing machine will also make your job a lot easier, along with a pattern. Once you have everything all set – get sewing! The hardest part about sewing your own custom crib bedding set is finding the proper way to bunch the elastic on the fitted sheet that will go around your crib’s mattress. By making your own custom crib bedding set, you can also add other features, such as a waterproof liner to help cleaning up “accidents” much easier.

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