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Graco Crib Reviews

Graco is a well known name in the world of baby products and baby furniture. Graco has a reputation for providing mid-grade, standard baby items at a good price for parents.

Are looking for Graco Crib reviews? Are you wondering if Graco cribs are the right choice for your baby? Learn more about Graco baby cribs (and what other parents are saying) here!

Graco Crib Material and Construction

Graco cribs are mostly made of wood, which is either painted or given a wood finish. Most Graco cribs are also convertible, usually favoring the “4 in 1” conversions. Many of the accessories and conversion components for Graco cribs must be purchased separately.

Graco Crib Safety

There do seem to be some safety issues with certain Graco crib models, especially the convertible models. Some parents have the complaint that certain cribs have screws that will fall out after several weeks of use. Also, the side rail of certain Graco convertible cribs seems to be prone to dropping down easily, which could pose a safety hazard to small children or toddlers.

As with any crib, it’s important to always use your best judgment about this product’s safety. Be sure to check recent recalls to ensure that this crib has not been affected. Also, it’s essential that you always return a crib that arrives with broken, mis-fitting or otherwise damaged components.

Graco Crib Durability

There are some durability issues with Graco cribs, as shown in the customer reviews. The wood construction of many Graco cribs is too soft, and easily able to be dented or scratched. Some parents had the complaint that when their children began teething, they were easily able to chew on and destroy the wood. Some customers also say that certain Graco cribs have finish that comes off or peels when exposed to any moisture or “accidents”. The wood is also said to feel “cheap”, as described by some parents.

Graco Crib Price

Graco cribs are a low priced brand of baby cribs, even compared to other “budget” baby crib brands. However, according to customer reviews, this price seems to come at some sacrifice to the crib’s durability. Certain Graco cribs that are very inexpensive may also have quality issues or safety issues.

Graco Crib General Customer Consensus

Though many customers have positive things to say about Graco cribs, the potential safety issues seem to be too common not to ignore. Certain types of Graco cribs seem to have the potential to cause serious injury to some babies, though no injuries have yet been reported. For most parents, it’s understood that with Graco cribs, you pay for what you get. The low price of many Graco crib models is attractive, though it’s important to remember the potential durability and safety issues.

Have you ever had an experience with Graco cribs that you’d like to share? Do you have feedback about Graco cribs that could help other parents? Please feel free to let us know! By sharing your opinions, you can help other parents make better choices for their children’s safety.