Baby CribPurple Baby Crib

Crib Mattress

Your baby’s crib represents a comfortable, fun area where your new baby will be spending a lot of their growing-up months. For a baby, a crib is their sanctuary, a safe place to rest and be comforted. Part of making sure your baby is happy (and safe) involves properly setting up your baby’s crib. This involves purchasing a good quality, sturdy crib, as well a comfortable crib mattress.

Purchasing a crib mattress may seem like just a small part of what you need to do to prepare for your new baby. However, did you know that your crib mattress is actually one of the most important parts of the crib? Your baby’s crib mattress should be firm, and offer your baby a lot of support. Also, the mattress shouldn’t be too soft, or obscured with stuffed animals or extra blankets. Here’s a quick guide that will help you become more familiar with crib mattresses.

What Kind of Crib Mattress is Best?

There are a number of different debates regarding the different types of crib mattresses. Some types of crib mattresses are said to be dangerous to a child’s health, such as an excessively soft crib mattress. In general, most baby experts seem to agree that a firm crib mattress is best, since it lowers the chance of accidental suffocation. Try to avoid any type of crib mattress that comes with attached pads, since too much obstruction in the crib can result in poor air circulation around your baby. Since poor air circulation is theorized to be one of the major causes of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), this is extremely important!

Choosing a Crib Mattress

The process of choosing a mattress for your baby’s crib can involve a lot of extensive research about what’s best for your child. There are several considerations that you might have to take into account when choosing a crib mattress. These may include:

Crib Mattress Material
The material of your crib mattress is more important than you might think! Remember, your baby will probably be in contact with the crib mattress for long periods of time. In the event that your baby might have an accident (and if you don’t have a mattress cover that’s waterproof), you might have to clean the crib mattress yourself. Try to purchase a crib mattress that’s machine washable, or that can be washed by hand. Also, make sure that your crib’s mattress is made of non-toxic material. The stuffing for your crib mattress should be soft, but still be firm enough to give your baby adequate cushion against the bottom of the crib. Avoid any stuffing materials that will bunch or compress over time.

Crib Mattress Cover
Even with the protection of a diaper, your baby still might have accidents in the crib. To help make cleaning the crib easier, you should really invest in a high-quality, machine washable crib mattress cover. This mattress cover should be made of a non-toxic material, and should fit snugly around the mattress. When choosing a crib mattress cover, it’s best to purchase one that’s designed for the type of crib mattress that fits your baby’s crib. The mattress cover should pull tight around the corners, without any bunching or folding.

Many people choose to decide which crib mattress to buy based on its price. While it may be difficult to be on a budget and purchase supplies for your baby, try not to purchase the least expensive crib mattress you can find. Instead, choose your crib’s mattress based on its quality and durability. If you’ve purchased the right kind of baby crib, your baby might be able to use it for a long period of time. Because of this, try to choose a crib mattress that will last, and be able to endure at least a few trips through the washing machine. Don’t purchase used crib mattresses! They can harbor bacteria, mites and other dangerous substances that could harm your baby’s health. Always purchase new, sealed crib mattresses.

Be sure to measure your baby’s crib before deciding to purchase a crib mattress. Cribs come in different sizes, so you’ll want to make sure the mattress you purchase will fit your baby’s crib. This is especially important if you have purchased a used or handmade crib, which may be in different dimensions than the mattresses available for purchase. Also be on the lookout for crib mattresses that are on sale or discounted, since this can help you to save money on your baby’s crib mattress.

Check out a few of our articles where you can learn more about Crib Mattresses:

  1. Organic Crib Mattress
  2. Crib Mattress Reviews
  3. Crib Mattress Size
  4. Portable Crib Mattress
  5. Crib Mattress Dimensions
  6. Crib Mattress Pads
  7. Foam Crib Mattress