Baby CribPurple Baby Crib

Cheap Round Cribs

If you’re having a baby, you’re probably already on a tight budget. There are diapers to buy, walls to paint, curtains to hang, and a baby shower to plan. With all of this stress, it’s natural that you’d want to save money on your baby’s round crib. Here are a few tips to help you get a cheap round crib.

Where to Find Cheap Round Cribs

When searching for cheap round cribs, there are a few places you should start. By being a smart shopper, you can drastically reduce the amount of money that you have to spend on your baby’s round crib. Here are a few places that you can probably find some cheap round cribs.

Thrift Stores
By searching for round cribs at thrift stores, you can actually save quite a bit of money! Thrift stores often have a large number of baby supplies, including many gently used cribs and other types of baby furniture. Round cribs are moderately popular, so there’s a good chance that you might find one when searching at your local thrift store. However, when buying from a thrift store, use caution. Some cribs might have been donated because they had defects or malfunctioning parts. Round cribs might have rails that are too far apart, making it a dangerous situation for a baby to be kept inside. Always do your research on the type of round crib you purchase from a thrift store, to make sure that it will be safe for your baby.

Classified Advertisements
When you’re in the market for a round crib, you can usually find a cheap round crib by searching classified ads. You might start with the classified advertisements in your local newspaper, since this is a great way to ensure that you won’t have to travel too far to pick up your crib. If you don’t have any luck in your local paper, try websites such as craigslist and freecycle. These websites have regional boards, which means you can find people that are selling round cribs in your geographical area. When meeting someone to inquire about a crib for sale, use the same type of caution that you use for anyone you meet online. Arrange to meet in a well lit, populated public area so that you can inspect the crib before you make a purchase. If possible, bring a friend or family member with you when inspecting the crib, just in case.

Discount Stores
Many people overlook discount and “overstock” stores as being a great resource to find cheap round cribs. Some of these stores carry cribs that are rejected from retail shelves because they have cosmetic defects, or are overstock items. However, be sure to shop carefully! Not all round cribs that you find at discount stores will be suitable for your nursery. Make sure that you’re not simply buying a crib because it’s cheap – it needs to be safe for your baby as well. Be certain that you’re not purchasing a crib that has recently been recalled, or that has known safety issues.