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Baby Furniture Sets

Baby furniture sets are a great and convenient way to shop for baby furniture. However, did you know that purchasing a baby furniture set may actually end up costing you more in the long run? Depending on your needs, you need to be careful that you don’t buy a baby furniture set just for the convenience. By following a few simple tips, you can learn more about if purchasing a baby furniture set is really in your best interest.

Here are a few of the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing baby furniture as a set:

Advantages of Purchasing as a Set

Potentially Cheaper
In some cases, purchasing all of your baby’s furniture as a set can save you money. This is especially true if the set itself is discounted or currently on sale. In many cases, in order to encourage customers to spend more at their store, a baby furniture store will bundle together a furniture set for a much lower price than purchasing each of the items individually.

Less Shopping Around
By purchasing your baby’s furniture as a set, you won’t have to spend a lot of time finding matching pieces of furniture for your baby’s room. Since being a parent already involves a lot of responsibility, this can help save you a lot of time (and stress).

Matching Décor
If you purchase your baby’s furniture as a set, you can be sure that all of the furniture in your baby’s room will match. The majority of baby furniture sets are designed to match, or may at least use materials that complement each other. This makes it much easier for you to design your baby’s room, since you can use your baby furniture set as a guide.

Disadvantages of Purchasing as a Set

Potentially More Expensive
Just like you could potentially save money by purchasing as a set, you could also end up spending more. Some manufacturers count on the fact that many customers won’t look up the price of each baby furniture item individually. Also, since purchasing as a set is more convenient, some manufacturers may mark up the price of the included items. Purchasing a brand-new baby furniture set is always more expensive than purchasing each piece “used” from a thrift store.

Extra Items
Do you really need two changing tables? Three dressers? Two baby cribs? Some baby furniture sets may come with spare pieces of furniture just to inflate the price. If your baby’s room is small, you may not want a lot of extra furniture contributing to clutter.

Shipping Costs
Purchasing your baby’s furniture as a set from an online retailer can hit you with huge shipping costs. Baby furniture is often heavy, and may cost the retailer a lot of money to ship to you. Also, some pieces of baby furniture may require special handling, in order to ensure that they aren’t damaged during the shipping process. To save money, if you do choose to purchase a baby furniture set, try to purchase it from a store close to home.

Want to know more about the types of cribs? Here are some related articles:

1. 4 in 1 Baby Cribs
2. Convertible Baby Cribs